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Mia [GA.EG] newest mesh bento head

New mesh bento head by GA.EL

Here we are girls , today i had fun with this amazing new mesh bento head by [GA.EG]

MIA BENTO MESH HEAD > High technology and innovative features > Head shape customizable by shape sliders > Extreme customization power on 8 extended & overlapping cosmetics layers > Clever Facial AO with highly realistic emotes.

Credits: on left Mia in green -

Hair: +Spellbound+ Nymphet // Grimoire - *barberyumyum*bangs (C) - :::ChicChica::: Kade #6 lollypop @the Arcade - Eyes: Izzie's - Wounded Angel Eyes Free Update - *CS* Summer Sunshine 02 - Floaty and pose for WOH3 - [GA.EG] Bubble Gum animation - Hilly Haalan - Karla Dress for WOH3

On the right Mia in pink -

Hair: *barberyumyum*92 - Hilly Haalan - Karla Dress for WOH3 - Skin: Glam Affair Achlys jamaica Omega - Eyes: Izzie's - Wounded Angel Eyes Free Update

Background: Astralia - Calm beach scene backdrop

Mya customization hud

For an easy explanation I split the hud in various phases:

Styles: just click on label "styles " to enter the menu, where you can chose what eyebrow shape to wear, what color and what hairbase.

Make-ups: 12 pre installed eyeshadows and 12 lipsticks. Plus 3 Blushes style

Skins: 8 tones preinstalled plus teeth whitning and freckes. In this part of hud you can choose to make your head full bright, show materials and glossiness.

Lashes: Do you remember the amazing 3D lashes of gaeline ? well you can use them on your mesh head, infact there is a part named 3D lashes that allows you to wear this kind of lashes or you can choose the alpha ones. Furthermore 2 smokey liners.

Add-On: here you can customize your makeups, hairbase , lipsticks , freckless, beaty marks. Just buy your favourite makeup and click on ADD On installer. In this case i added the Orchid Lips avaible at eBENTO event.

Below all the bento animation you can find @mainstore!

Animations and emote packs

To play the animation just use your facial Ao hud: switch on or off the animation you want to play

and more... an animation bento bubble gum very funny! Girls you can't miss this head and all add-ons and teeth. Of course choose your Mia Variant Shapes: Babe, Chubby, Lovely or Teeny

Mia bento bubble gum

Mia mesh head with 21 years old shape @Mainstore

Credits: Tableau Vivant \\ Summer Hairplay - Coromuel - V+P @The Arcade

Eyebrows: IDTTY Faces - CUT Bold Eyebrows Omega

Freckles : Izzie's - Glitter Freckles Mesh Layer

Eyes: Izzie's - Wounded Angel Eyes Free Update

Makeup : [ GA.EG] ES02 - Kitty Eyeshadows @ Mainstore

Beauty marks [ GA.EG] BM01 @ Mainstore

Lipsticks: [GA.EG] Lp08 Orchid @ eBENTO

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