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Skin: [theSkinnery] Devon (Catwa) Tone avaible Brownie - Champagne - Ebony - Honey - Milk - Mocca - Toffee. Each appliers comes with or without brows. Shape included ! @eBENTO

Eyes: LOTUS. Bliss Eyes (Catwa)

Makeup: !! B I R T H * 3rd Gen Catwa Eye Makeup - Glam -

Lipstick : *Birth* 3rd Gen 'Willow' Catwa Lipsticks - Matte Set 2

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ Drop ears @Shiny Shabby

Rings: Absolut Vendetta -Juno Bento Rings @ eBENTO

Claws: Astralia - Feline claws (Maitreya bento) for the bishbox

Pose: GingerFish Poses - Lipstick Love @eBENTO

Hair: AD - vanessa - LIGHT BROWNS

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