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let's have a party!

On Ethan: GABRIEL::GB:: Body Tied Suit jacket/Tie/Pants - Gray for Signature, Slink, TMP mesh bodies @ Shiny Shabby

Head: Genesis Lab - Ethan bento omega update

HB: Y-U: MARCO "BLD" UNISEX omega compatible

Bear: No.Match - NO MISSION-gift

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ - Rox Ears

Necklace: [MANDALA] Chunkeey 24k GOLD

Rings: Absolut Vendetta -Icarus Bento Rings *MALE

On Lona: AD hair

Head: Catwa - Lona

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ - Shiny Ears

Skin: ItGirls - Catwa Skin Applier - Lore

Jacket: Ison occult jacket

Leggins: Stories&Co. by Flowey / Party Leggins - Gold

Rings: ^^Swallow^^ Aphrodite Rings (for Maytreia Bento - Slink Dynamic - Vista

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