Adelyn by Masoom
[[ Masoom ]] Adelyn new outfit @Uber August/ September 2016 [ at the end of this round will be avaible in mainstore] Top and skirt for...

Carlota by Nala Design
ND*Carlota Dress Corset*-Maitreya/Slink/Belleza- 5 fittet mesh sizes - Hud control texture Marketplace Hair : Exile Jewels : Chop Zuey...

American Style
UNDER-RATED American Style sweatpants , Tank and Sport Cap avaible in 10 mesh sizes + Slink physique and HG , Belleza [Isis - Venus -...

Dee Marie
.:JUMO:. Dee Marie Outfit Leather pants and Silk top in Teal - Yellow - Serenity -Rose - Peach Earring, necklace and ring included...

Gold Night
Hello dear friend i am glad to show you a preview for fall / winter collection by Elisea Carter. All new dresses coming soon on September...

An ordinary day
Morea Style: Francesca Outfit in black. included top corset & pants jumpsuit *8 appliers clothes for body mesh [TMP - Maitreya - Slink -...

Leopard passion
~Blacklace~ Passione: Leo Print & Lace Bra Set Includes legacy layers, Omega Hud & Gos Hud. Hair : Magika Hearts Like Ours Pins:...

-AZUL- Sofia Champane 5 mesh sizes dress, 5 mesh sizes cape, flexy trains and headbow. Avaible in Aqua- Champane - Garnet - Gold -...

News from TOPAZIA : LIZ RETRO DRESS AVAILABLE IN 20 COLORS ( 10% off for the group members ) ArisAris/B&W - New Ritzy Stilettos ...

Aris&Aris ~ Whimsical Dress 5 mesh sizes, Belleza - Maitreya - Slink HG hud control 8 Fantasy Texture, 20 Plain [see the picture below]...