Skin : YS&YS Paris tone 02 @eBENTO Sweater : [Aleutia] - Heidi Red Tag Maitreya - TMP - Slink - Belleza - Hud color change Hair :...

Perfect strangers
Skin: YS&YS: Paris @ eBENTO Top: [Aleutia] "Marita"color HUD. 100% Original Mesh. Exclusive Maitreya Design. @ Tres Chic Jeans: Blueberry...

In a Daydream
Skin: Ys&Ys - Paris in tone 02 for lelutka mesh head avaible @ eBENTO each skin comes in 5 tones ●with brows color and makeup. Shapes...

New update for adam mesh body and head

Strike the pose!
Glam Affair -Danni @ Collabor88 new applier for Catwa mesh head Astralia - Mesh compatible nails system Maitreya Update for pack 2 Two...

CODEX HARNESS CORRUPTION IS AN EXCLUSIVE FOR KINKY EVENT DATE: FROM 28thMarch to 19th April Hud colors, resize - For Belleza(Venus, Isis,...

New items by Astralia, SlackGirl , Tableau Vivant , Glam Affair

Do you remember me ?
New exclusive by Akeruka and Al Vulo for The skin fair

CODEX COLLAR AVERY Unisex in 2 versions- with or without RVL / Scripted open collar / Material hud / resize avaible @ KINKY EVENT Skin:...

Tokio new theme for Uber, Juju presents: Garter and stockings in mesh for most bodie mesh in secondlife.