Abby By Lara Hurley New applier for Akeruka's Bento Camille Head. I made 2 shapes so you can notice how different could be this skin with...

i am in love with this new skin by Glam Affair : Lucrezia! add on avaible for lelutka simone bento : 3 styles of eyebrows, 8 eyelishes...

GA&TV Light and Dark
Glam Affair in collaboration with Tableau Vivant for this amazing gatcha. Light and Dark av<ible @TFC Lootbox ed. See the gatcha key...

Black xmas
New [AK] Mesh Head Eretica is available @Winter Solstice! She comes in 2 versions skins: 5 tones for Real Vampire and 5 Tones for Soft...

Hello guys and welcome back to my blog :D Today i posted another amazing mesh head named Pablo by [AK] AKERUKA. As you know the upcoming...

Glam Affair - Renee Applier ( Catwa ) @UBER Glam Affair- Mael Headdress Black ~Tableau Vivant~ Legend hair - Calliope /w braids...

Slackgirl new make up Xantha @The Coven Event Slackgirl orbita earrings @ On9 hud control to change metal and pearl texture. I want you...

[[Masoom]] Piper dress pink and sand For Midnight Madness - November pink version midnight : bag c'est la vie heart bag hair : Dela...

Here we are another amazing stuff for you guys :D This is [AK] Akeruka Mesh Head Marco Vers. 1.9 , you'll find it @ M.O.M. Event. Price...

Glam Affair - Pia @ KUSTOM9 [ Jamaica tone rare on Dyana] Applier for Catwa Head - wear on Tumble an amazing gift is wait for you. Glam...